- Real-time monitoring up to 32 patients simultaneously
- Possibility of connecting additional software modules of the Information System "CARDEX" to expand the functionality of the station
The CMS CARDEX 800 software complex is designed for use with any CARDEX monitors and pulse oximeters and can be configured to meet the requirements of a medical institution. The friendly software interface greatly simplifies the diagnosis of critical patient conditions and the analysis of the obtained data, saves staff time, and increases the level of patient safety.
- Control the functions of monitors connected to the station
- Real-time monitoring up to 32 patients simultaneously
- Saving to the hard disk of all parameters measured by the monitors
- Automatic saving of 30-second ECG segments when the alarm is triggered or by the user's command
- Possibility of making a text comment with reference to the specific point in time
- Viewing and Printing the stored ECG sections and parameters
- Patient Information Database
- Creating the report about any patient recorded in the database
- Connecting to the hospital computer network
- Installation of additional software modules
Additional software
It is possible to install the additional software modules of the CARDEX Information System for analyzing the data received from the monitors, maintaining an archive, recording the prescription of medicines, and generating the intensive care card. The CMS CARDEX 800 software package allows you to save data in files in the most common formats, which makes them accessible for understanding by specialized programs from other suppliers. The CARDEX information system can be integrated with the hospital’s MIS for the formation of an electronic history of the disease.