Information System CARDEXA feature of work in the departments of anesthesiology and intensive care is a huge amount of information that the staff must analyze to make a decision. A huge number of monitoring and mechanical ventilation parameters, information from infusion equipment, results of analyzes and examinations, medicinal prescriptions - collection, transmission and analysis of these data in most medical institutions is carried out manually and is a time consuming process. Information system CARDEX is a modern and advanced solution for informatization of hospitals, helping to simplify the work of staff and improve the results of treatment of patients in ICU. The system covers all stages of the treatment process in anesthesiology and resuscitation, from the preoperative examination and anesthesia plan to the transfer of the patient from the ICU to the clinical department. It is easily customizable for the tasks of a particular medical institution or department. The CARDEX information system contains a central core and a number of tools designed to solve specific problems:
The CARDEX information system is used from the moment the patient is transported by the ambulance service to his transfer from the ICU to the specialized department of the medical facility and solves the following tasks:
The results are: